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How Our Soul Influences Our Relationships

Before incarnating into this life, our soul agrees to play out certain lessons with certain souls. This includes our family, intimate relationships, friends, and acquaintances, anyone you have a type of connection with. Often these connections can challenge our greatest weakness. Because your soul knows it will help you grow, in the exact ways that you need. When we have learned that lesson on a soul level, that dynamic will shift in the connection or dissolve completely. You are no longer a match for this lesson of growth with one another. However, if your souls agreed to move through many lessons together, you will evolve through multiple chapters of life together. Currently there is a soul lesson completion happening for many as many large karmic cycles are completing. This can include the connection to others in our life as we continue to evolve and shift tremendously as indivudals, so too do our connections. Some may not come with you into the next phase, but it’s creating space for new connections.

Are Many Relationships Changing For You?

You may even find times in your life where many connections leave your life all at once, whether that is friendships, intimate connections or even a shift in your dynamic with family. This can be a sign that you are clearing the slate from a pattern. Who you are growing into and the state of consciousness you are shifting into may no longer be a match for the patterns of these dynamics, almost like two magnets that no longer fit but begin to repel one another. If this is occurring for you, you may find that it can feel very lonely but you can use it as an opportunity to dive deeper into your own self healing journey. Sometimes the greatest times of life can be when you spend time doing the things that light you up, getting to know yourself and what brings you joy or even working on the patterns that need a deeper level of awareness. The entire universe is conspiring in your favor and in divine timing, the right connections will show up for you just when you need it the most.

Same Lesson, Different Person

Ever notice how you attract similar personalities into your life? Maybe you have a friend or partner who tries to control you or parent you. Or maybe someone always vents to you but never listens. Or you attract the same type of person that triggers you as a coworker, a friend or lover, you don’t feel seen or appreciated or whatever the patterns may be for you. Why does this happen? Everything is made of energy and we hold our entire upbringing in our energy field. Everything in our inner world gets mirrored in our external world. It’s quantum physics, like attracts like. We hold energy patterns from how we were raised in our energy body. Most often, we attract relationships based on our early relationships with family. These connections resonate with you because you hold these active energy patterns and that person is holding a match to them. However, the connections that challenge you help you to grow and learn from the patterns from upbringing. Ultimately asking you to be aware of it and heal.

As Relationships Ends, New Ones Can Enter

Not every connection is meant to go with us into every phase of life. It's important to allow and honor the grief process, because any relationship change comes with all that loss can bring up for emotional healing. Allow yourself to grieve and to not rush the process. Remembering that losing a friend or cutting off a toxic family member can bring about just as much grief as any other connection. There is no timeline for grief and it's important to remember that to hold compassion for yourself and the process you need to move through with it.

 As relationships shift or evolve, remeber that anything that changes is creating space for something that feels more fitting and resonant with who you are becoming now. With new connections come new soul contracts that will be made with new souls on a subconscious level. An agreement to carry you through new life lessons that each of you as a dynamic will be working with as these new connections enter your life to fit who you are now.


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