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How Social Media Impacts Our Energy and Wellbeing

It’s no doubt we are living in an era of access to an enormous amount of information as well as resources to connect us all on many levels at all times of the day. We have access to much that is taking place in other people's lives more than ever, as we are so reliant and connected on technology as well as social media. 

Growing up in a generation without the Internet in the early days, it’s fascinating to reflect upon those years before we were all so connected through technology and the different activities that we were involved in to fill our days. Without cell phones in our pockets or social media platforms, being outside was the norm and connecting to your neighbor and friends in your neighborhood was more part of our days, with nature as our playground. Even though nature is still a big part of our lives, we are so much more plugged into our screens and social media interactions than ever before, thinking back on those years before the Internet, mindfulness activities came so easily to us, we were living in the moment, playing, and enjoying nature along with face-to-face interactions. It brought us back to the moment, a level of presence to fully soak up what we were engaged in.

Fast-forward to years beyond the internet and social media inundation, our attention spans have shortened overtime. This is no fault to ourselves, but a byproduct of the times we are living in and the overstimulation of information, accessible in our hands whenever we need it. Because of the magnitude of this information, attention spans have become shorter. We may see this in the evolution of social media itself, and how longer written posts are not as popular as quicker video reels that are taking over, as well as music added to everything on social media as ways to grab our attention.  

We have not been trained as a humanity to handle this level of information that is coming at us on a daily basis. Our nervous systems are extremely stimulated at all times due to this and other influences in these powerful times we are living in. Being in nature, de-stressing, and practicing more mindful activities feels like a cherished gift rather than a societal norm.

This article isn't to shame this tool because it holds many benefits, however I want to take some time and discuss the different ways that social media can impact us on many different levels. As well as how you can best navigate this for yourself so that you aren’t feeling so overwhelmed or overstimulated by it. 

On a Physical Level

Most likely you are turning to social media through an app on your phone that is easily accessible and at your hands.When we hold a phone in our hands, we are experiencing the influence of EMFs, electromagnetic frequencies that can cause a variety of influences. With higher exposure, it can affect our mood, our energy levels, potentially create headaches, impacts on the nervous system, energy field and more.

The blue light that comes from our screens can affect our sleep cycles, our circadian rhythm and melatonin production.

We can also look at the common posture that happens when looking at a phone screen, and how this can put strain on the neck on the hand, arm and shoulders. 

On an Emotional level and Mental Level

Social media and our access to other people's lives in different ways can affect the way we view our own lives and ourselves. Even if you are someone with a strong confidence level and self-esteem, social media can have a subtle subliminal undertone that impacts you, whether you are conscious of it or not.

You may find that if you were spending quite a bit of time on social media, outside of that space you resort to a lot of comparison thoughts. Potentially feeling like you aren’t doing enough with your life, or a fear of missing out on events or activities. You could also be comparing yourself to others on a physical level, feeling as though your body and the way that you look is not how you would like. These are all illusions and ways that social media can impact us that is not healthy for our emotional and mental state. 

On an Energetic Level

Everything we engage with on social media is an energy exchange. Every profile that we look at, every video that is viewed and every comment that you make or receive, is an energetic exchange. Everything is made of energy and therefore social media and everything that occurs on there can affect and impact your own energy.

Knowing this, it is helpful to choose profiles and pages that are inspiring and uplifting. To choose the way that you interact on social media mindfully, aware of who and what you are engaging in and what you are saying. You may also find at times you need to set boundaries with others, in this case, it can be helpful to do so from a place of compassion, understanding, but also an empowered, protective place for your own sense of self. 

If you find you are following pages that you no longer resonate with or are posting things that aren’t making you feel good, it is wise to unfollow those and choose what you are taking in with more awareness of what you need.

How Much Social Media Are You Engaging In?

It is also helpful to check in to see how much social media time you are spending. Are you mindlessly scrolling? Especially on Instagram, there is an area where you can check on your activity on the app and see how much time you are spending on it. If you find that you are turning to it too often as an addiction, set a timer for yourself so that you set your phone down and create a better habit. Become aware of when you are picking up your phone and the mood that you are in, as any social media app can fuel our dopamine response, the chemical that spikes when we get likes, emails and messages from others. 

Free Yourself From the Comparison Game

If you find you are in mental loops of comparing yourself to others or feeling left out, remind yourself that where you are and all that you are moving through is perfect for your path in the timing that you need it.

Comparing yourself to others is only going to diminish your own sense of self-worth. It’s important to remind yourself of your strengths, your gifts in this life, and even the many parts of yourself that are beautiful. Every person is unique and special in their own ways and we each have our own paths.

Healthier Activities to Engage Instead

Set your phone down, get out in nature and fuel yourself with the very spaces that will calm your nervous system.

Connect with others face-to-face

Listen to music

Create something, make art, start a hobby

Move your body, exercise, dance it out.

Watch comedy and have a good laugh.

Spending time with loved ones

Cuddle a pet

Read a book

We need reminders to come back to activities and spaces that will fuel the connection to ourselves and others in a natural way, as well as less than the stimulation. 

Ultimately, social media is a tool, but with every tool, it’s important to access it and then give yourself space to process and integrate the tool. If you find you are addicted or reliant on it, that is a good time to take a longer break, maybe remove the apps from your phone and commit to a longer stretch of doing other things, see how your mental, emotional, energetic and physical body respond to that shift.

We can engage with technology and social media in ways that is helpful for our lives, but also mindful of our needs, our well-being and our nervous systems as we interact with all of the information in these powerful times. 


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