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Why You May Not Feel Like Yourself Lately

This eclipse season has been something! We just moved through two powerful eclipses over the course of this last month and the impacts of this are still rippling out into our lives and in the world. You may have seen the noticeable shifts in your own life and it is also very clear how much this is impacting on an collective level. We are in a deep transformation, a redirection and also lessons of initiation.

We are definitely feeling how powerful these shifts are, like a complete disintegration of an old way. Not without first revealing many layers that make up these old ways.

All that is not of the light, is coming up to light. It will be occurring more and more and with greater momentum now and this can be noticeable on a very personal level not just in the world.

You may find that many around you or even in your own life are going through mini or large crises and it has increased exponentially over these last few years.

This is due to the fact that everything is getting pushed up and out to be seen and shifted. What isn’t full of light, can’t go with you into this new chapter for our planet.

Imbalances in our lives can get highlighted, especially anything that has been pushed beneath the surface or ignored and endured. You may find that with these increased energy cycles that this is processed through the mind, emotions and physical body. It’s passing through these gateways with increased inner dialogue, emotional purges and the body trying to catch up to it all, while purging the old on a cellular level with a aches and pain.

Remind yourself these are temporary passages, it’s needed, almost like clearing out a closet before you can put only what you need and want in it.

If you’re struggling with this passage, know it’s coming up for many right now. I’m seeing this as a theme in sessions and clients reaching out.

Signs Your Life is Leading You in a New Direction

You may have been walking a certain path for awhile, maybe in a job, a relationship or an unhealthy habit.

Then suddenly many things start shifting within it that may cause you to feel disconnected from it.

Maybe certain things start occurring at the job, in the relationship or the unhealthy habit that change the dynamic drastically. Amplifying feeling further disconnected from it. Maybe coworkers you loved leave or a toxic manager gets hired on or your role changes.

Maybe a difficult dynamic in a relationship has reached its peak or your body has unexpected symptoms showing you an unhealthy habit can’t continue.

The puzzle pieces of the situation are getting altered because the universe is directing you into a new direction. This inspires feeling misaligned from it so that you begin to direct your focus into a new path.

It may feel uncomfortable, especially if you are used to something for a long time.

But it’s actually redirecting you toward what is a better fit for you. Notice the signs, this can be coming up for many right now.

I’ve often had this occur in my own life when a situation has outworn its welcome, much starts getting rearranged and it has always been in times when I needed to follow a new path or connection, even in friendships! I listen to these universal nudges because it is the intelligence of the universe nudging a new way ahead.

A chapter is closing and a new one is arriving. This limbo space can feel uncomfortable as we close out the old ways and prepare to enter a new cycle simultaneously. Giving yourself space to process it all while also trusting more deeply that you are being completely held and guided throughout this entire transition. Everything will fall into place perfectly in the exact timing and way that is meant to happen for your soul's highest good and path ahead.

Ways to channel this and take care of yourself through these times.

  • If you’re feeling extra tender, sensitive or emotional, getting in water will help reset your emotional layer of your energy body. Adding sea salt to a bath will calm you with the added benefits of magnesium.

  • If you’re feeling triggered or angry, move your body. Go for a walk outside, or indoor exercises to move the excess energy coming up. If mobility is an issue, turning to pranayama practices, especially Nadi Shodhana or alternate nostril breathing to calm your system.

  • Drink extra water, our bodies and cells are trying to process the new energy coming in and you can feel tired or restless. Adding lemon to your water acts as a carrier in your cells to process the energy through your system.

  • Eat lightly, adding extra greens to your diet also supports to process energy. Green smoothies or juices are very helpful during high energy passages.

  • Calm the chatter, our minds can feel loud during high energy times and especially one in the season of Libra which activates the air element. Turn to practices to off load the mental excess, journaling, creative outlet, listen to calming music, and the movement breath practices also support.

  • Give yourself and others space.

There can be a triggering quality over the next several weeks, be mindful of your words.

A chapter is closing and a new one is arriving. Have patience with the process and tend your wellbeing while the pieces for your next steps begin to fall into place.


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